Here are some photos from our visit to Th!nk Nordic in June 2003.
Production is currently in limbo between the old and new models. Various prototypes
are up-and-running & testing continues with the Frazer-Nash drivetrain, inter-nodal
electrical system and NiNaCl "Zebra" battery. We were able to visit the factory
and also spend some time with members of the management team at their offices
in Oslo. Driving to this meeting we were able to see some of the new El Bil
signs showing EV access to the bus lanes which was to commence a few days
after our visit. Our hosts were gracious and open, maintained diplomacy in their
references to the company's recent history and acknowledged the keen interest
in their vehicle from the U.S., especially California. Hopefully this is the
start of a productive dialogue between EV drivers/enthusiasts and a genuine
EV manufacturer.